Meet the Team

Administration & Office

Laurie Johnson

Executive Director & Board Member

Marian Eivins

Director of Testing & Educational Services, PCET

Hannah Haberkorn


Britt Collingwood

Office Manager

Classroom Teachers & Educational Therapists

Bridget Abbott

Educational Therapist

Jubilee Carr

Elementary Teacher

Paul Eivins

Grounds Maintenance

Nick Larsson

Educational Therapist

Robyn Pettingill

Educational Therapist & Art Teacher

Theresa Adams

Educational Therapist

Debbie Cedergren

Educational Therapist, PCET

Lanae Fadel

Middle School Teacher

Sarah Lindsay

Beth Rains

Educational Therapist

Leslie Hulls

Middle School Teacher

Deanna Marquez

Class Coach

Claire Reineke

Educational Therapist

Kim Zeydel

Educational Therapist, PCET

Erica Strege

Testing Administrator

Karen Bravo

Educational Therapist, PCET

Maria Duemler

High School Teacher

Jamie Haberkorn

High School Teacher

Jenny Kropf

Educational Therapist, PCET

Rachel Smith

Board Members

Ray Ellis

Board Member

Dennis Harmon

Board Member

Connie Risser

Founder, Board Member, PCET

Kim Fitzgibbons

Board Member