Learning is a Journey

For some, the path is smooth, straight and level.

For others, it is a winding path that has ups and downs, steep cliffs and deep ravines.

The exhilarating view when reaching a summit is mixed with the pain of scrapes and bruises that come with the climb. What keeps them going?

Courage, Grit, Perseverance

They know the journey is worth it because the views from the top are as exhilarating as the cool, fresh air in the valleys.  They also know that the path is best journeyed with others who can also put courage in them.  That’s what encouragement means – to give courage to someone.

My prayers is that this blog will put courage in you, your child or someone you love that may have a challenging learning journey.

I pray that you will be strong and courageous as you take the next step. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

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